
The Anatomy of an Ecommerce Brand Revenue Growth Strategy

Ecommerce Strategy

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When establishing a successful ecommerce marketing strategy, there are many different moving parts that have to be considered. Whilst it is important to build a strong online presence and drive traffic to this location, your strategy must be more holistic than this in order to be beneficial for your business. The most efficient way to achieve the best possible return on your investment is by placing growth of sales and revenue at the centre of your ecommerce marketing strategy, something which requires careful and methodical planning.

The anatomy of a successful considers all the factors that could have an influence on your business, making sure to reduce the risk they may pose. This includes seasonality, attribution, channel selection, and audience profiles, just to name a few. That is why it is important to build a strategy that has a central aim but makes use of all the tools at your disposal.

Here at RGA, we have extensive experience in helping retailers of all sizes to achieve their ecommerce goals, working with each client to develop and implement every aspect of an effective and holistic approach to digital marketing. That’s why we’ve created this useful guide to help you build a profitable eCommerce brand revenue growth strategy, setting your business up for success.

Values & USP.

The eCommerce sector is larger than ever and with so many options to choose from, you have to give your target audience a reason to pick your brand over others. That’s why it is so important to define the values that set your business apart from every other website that appears on the search engine results page. What do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it?

Not only this, but you also have to make sure your brand is unique in some way. With the eCommerce market being so oversaturated, you have to consider what makes your business special as it could make the difference between a consumer completing a sale or not. Consider asking yourself:

  • What benefits your business offers a consumer?

  • What product/service can you provide?

  • Why did you start your business?

The Audience.

When building online content and lunching eCommerce campaigns, it’s important to consider your target consumer so that you can cater your approach to them. There is not one strategy that works with users of all ages, genders, occupations etc., as they will each require a unique tone of voice and style of delivery. Find your target market through surveys, focus groups, and useful online performance marketing tools like Google Analytics, so that you can decide who will be most likely to convert.

Performing this kind of research regularly can also help you to get feedback on how your campaigns are working, observing how consumers react to changes you’ve made and where the bounce rate has increased or CTR have decreased.

Competitor Analysis.

Sometimes the best way to find out what tactics you should be employing for your business is by looking at others. Performing a competitor analysis of other businesses in your field can help you to see what gaps you may need to fill in your strategy, as well as suggest approaches you had not previously considered.

Conducting a competitor analysis can also highlight what you are doing that others are not, something which you can then use to your advantage as a USP for your brand.

When establishing a successful ecommerce marketing strategy, there are many different moving parts that have to be considered. Whilst it is important to build a strong online presence and drive traffic to this location, your strategy must be more holistic than this in order to be beneficial for your business. The most efficient way to achieve the best possible return on your investment is by placing growth of sales and revenue at the centre of your ecommerce marketing strategy, something which requires careful and methodical planning.

The anatomy of a successful considers all the factors that could have an influence on your business, making sure to reduce the risk they may pose. This includes seasonality, attribution, channel selection, and audience profiles, just to name a few. That is why it is important to build a strategy that has a central aim but makes use of all the tools at your disposal.

Here at RGA, we have extensive experience in helping retailers of all sizes to achieve their ecommerce goals, working with each client to develop and implement every aspect of an effective and holistic approach to digital marketing. That’s why we’ve created this useful guide to help you build a profitable eCommerce brand revenue growth strategy, setting your business up for success.

Values & USP.

The eCommerce sector is larger than ever and with so many options to choose from, you have to give your target audience a reason to pick your brand over others. That’s why it is so important to define the values that set your business apart from every other website that appears on the search engine results page. What do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it?

Not only this, but you also have to make sure your brand is unique in some way. With the eCommerce market being so oversaturated, you have to consider what makes your business special as it could make the difference between a consumer completing a sale or not. Consider asking yourself:

  • What benefits your business offers a consumer?

  • What product/service can you provide?

  • Why did you start your business?

The Audience.

When building online content and lunching eCommerce campaigns, it’s important to consider your target consumer so that you can cater your approach to them. There is not one strategy that works with users of all ages, genders, occupations etc., as they will each require a unique tone of voice and style of delivery. Find your target market through surveys, focus groups, and useful online performance marketing tools like Google Analytics, so that you can decide who will be most likely to convert.

Performing this kind of research regularly can also help you to get feedback on how your campaigns are working, observing how consumers react to changes you’ve made and where the bounce rate has increased or CTR have decreased.

Competitor Analysis.

Sometimes the best way to find out what tactics you should be employing for your business is by looking at others. Performing a competitor analysis of other businesses in your field can help you to see what gaps you may need to fill in your strategy, as well as suggest approaches you had not previously considered.

Conducting a competitor analysis can also highlight what you are doing that others are not, something which you can then use to your advantage as a USP for your brand.

Struggling to acquire new customers at scale? Learn more about how we've helped brands just like yours. Click here.

Struggling to acquire new customers at scale? Learn more about how we've helped brands just like yours. Click here.

Struggling to acquire new customers at scale? Learn more about how we've helped brands just like yours. Click here.

Build your eCommerce strategy.

When you have defined your approach, it is time for you to build out a thorough digital marketing strategy that considers your short and long-term aims as a business. The most important thing is to incorporate all the many elements of digital marketing in your strategy, so that consumers are most likely to convert. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Brand identity & awareness

  • Content marketing

  • SEO optimisation

  • Paid Media (Social & PPC)

  • Email Marketing

  • Influencer Marketing

Develop your eCommerce strategy with Revenue Growth Agency.

At RGA, we’ll help you to build a well-rounded strategy that means you can go above and beyond your goals as a business. Encouraging our clients to think big, our knowledge of eCommerce is unmatched, with a team who can offer a bespoke service catered to your objectives.

Placing revenue and profitability at the centre of our methodology, we’ll work collaboratively to map out a plan of action that works for you and your business. Contact us today for a consultation and see how you can better your approach to eCommerce marketing with RGA.

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